LR50 カチッサー効果(IM)
In the 1970s, psychologist Ellen Langer did an experiment at a library's copy machine. She asked to cut in line to make copies. In the first case, she asked "Excuse me. I have 5 pages. May I use the Xerox machine?", in this case, 60% let her use the copy machine first. In the second case, she gave a reasonable explanation, "Excuse me. I have 5 pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I'm in a rush? This time, 95% let her go ahead. However, in the third case, even when she gave a senseless reason, “Excuse me. I have 5 pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?”, 93% still said yes. So, she found that giving any reason, even a bad one, helps get what we want.
may I ~してもいいですか?
let O do Oがdoするのを許す
Ellen Langerはどんな実験をした?
table: 単語
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rush 名/動 急ぐ、急ぎ 3 hurry, dash 出典:ロバート・B・チャルディーニ『影響力の武器 第三版 なぜ、人は動かされるのか』 第1章 影響力の武器ーー説得の(強力な)七つ道具